Webinar & Events - Policy

CESA – RPS Webinar: Reverse Auctions, Renewable Energy, and RPS

January 27, 2012

This webinar, presented by the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) for the State-Federal RPS Collaborative, describes the advantages and disadvantages of the reverse auction approach, and provides advice for state policymakers who may wish to consider using reverse auctions. This webinar gives special attention to California’s Renewable Auction Mechanism.

Energy Storage Webinar: Federal Regulatory Energy Storage Policy

January 25, 2012

In this webinar, we will review the federal regulatory landscape for energy storage, specifically FERC Order 755, FERC Order 890 (which directs ISOs/RTOs to develop tariffs, market rules, and control algorithms and to open markets for new technologies that provide ancillary services), and other aspects of FERC treatment of energy storage and how these affect ISOs, energy storage device owners, and energy storage technology manufacturers.

RPS Webinar: Energy Storage and Renewable Portfolio Standards

December 19, 2011

This webinar will explore the role of energy storage in state RPS, including facilitating the integration of an increasingly higher penetration of renewables and the interpretation of energy storage as a generation resource. We will review and highlight examples of state RPS that include energy storage while exploring the benefits of energy storage to an RPS portfolio and the challenges for integrating storage into new and existing RPS programs.

Members-Only: CESA Member Webinar: “Beyond Megawatts – Measuring Clean Energy Jobs and Economic Impact”

December 16, 2011
This area of the CESA website is protected, the excerpt is not available.

2011 National Summit on RPS

October 26, 2011

Clean Energy Group and Clean Energy States Alliance hosted this year’s National Summit on RPS at the L’Enfant Plaza Hotel in Washington, DC on October 26 and 27th.

CESA Fall Meeting 2011: Washington, DC

October 24, 2011

CESA’s Fall 2011 Members Meeting took place in Washington, DC. This members-only conference included presentations by clean energy experts and plenty of opportunity for CESA members to network and collaborate on shared challenges and experiences.

RPS Webinar: Regional Transmission Planning in the East

October 6, 2011

This webinar presents information about the planning efforts being undertaken by the Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative (EIPC) and the Eastern Interconnection States’ Planning Council (EISPC). Guest speakers include EISPC Executive Director Marya White and EIPC Executive Director David Whiteley.

RPS Webinar: Regional Transmission Planning in the West

October 5, 2011

The regional transmission planning processes that are currently underway in the eastern and the western United States could shape the future of long-distance electricity transmission and significantly affect the future of renewable energy. It is important for policymakers and regulators who are involved in administering state RPS policies to understand how RPSs may be affected by these regional planning efforts. This webinar presents information about the planning efforts being undertaken by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council and the Western Governors’ Association.

Making the Best Use of Incentive Dollars for Distributed Wind

September 23, 2011

In this webinar, Trudy Forsyth of NREL and Heather Rhoads-Weaver of eFormative Options provided an interactive demonstration of the Distributed Wind Policy Comparison Tool, designed to identify distributed wind policy best practices as part of a U.S. DOE-funded project that ranked states based on their current incentives and market environments, and calculated impacts on project economics for various levels of rebates, feed-in tariffs (FIT), and other incentives.

DOE and Partners to Host Webinar August 16: Go Local – Maximizing Your Local Renewable Resources with Fuel Cells

August 16, 2011

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Fuel Cell Technologies Program, the Clean Energy States Alliance, and the Technology Transition Corp. will be hosting a webinar titled “Go Local – Maximizing Your Local Renewable Resources with Fuel Cells” as part of their Learning From Local Leaders Webinar Series. During the webinar, attendees will learn how municipalities are using solar, wind, biogas, and other local renewable energy resources in conjunction with fuel cells. Every area of the nation has natural resources that local leaders can use to trim costs, create jobs, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by leveraging the benefits of hydrogen and fuel cells.