Webinar & Events - Policy

ESTAP Webinar: An Introduction to the Energy Storage Report for State Utility Regulators

April 24, 2013

Clean Energy States Alliance, Sandia National Laboratories and the U.S. Department of Energy are hosting a webinar to overview a recent energy storage report, titled “Evaluating Utility Procured Electric Energy Storage Resources: A Perspective for State Electric Utility Regulators.”

CESA-RPS Webinar: Introduction to EISPC Energy Zones Mapping Tool

April 22, 2013

CESA is hosting a webinar for a demonstration of a new, interactive Mapping Tool that can provide rich information on clean energy resources, policies, and project screening factors in 39 states. Policymakers, project developers, and industry representatives will be able to use this Mapping Tool for a wide range of purposes related to clean energy development.

CESA – RPS Webinar: Briefing on NREL Reports on Solar Policies and Incentives

April 18, 2013

Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) will host a webinar to brief our members on two recent NREL solar reports: (1) the Strategic Sequencing for State Distributed PV Policies and (2) Distributed Solar Incentive Programs: Recent Experience and Best Practices for Design and Implementation.

OWAP Webinar: Understanding Regional Offshore Wind Supply Chain Opportunities

March 19, 2013

CESA’s Offshore Wind Accelerator Project (OWAP) and the Global Wind Network (GLWN) hosted this webinar to outline the DOE/GLWN Offshore Supply Chain project and explain how coastal regions can participate in the development and implementation of this emerging energy industry.

OWAP Webinar: Learning Investment in Offshore Wind: An Economic Analysis

March 11, 2013

Join OWAP for a 60-minute webinar briefing on the major findings from this new analysis, undertaken by the Brattle Group. The analysis finds that, based on reasonable assumptions of technology learning rates, offshore wind energy can reach grid parity with fossil fuel generation before 2030.

OWAP Webinar: Right Whales and Offshore Wind – A Case Study for Collaboration

March 1, 2013

Join CESA’s Offshore Wind Accelerator Project (OWAP) and the National Wildlife Federation for a webinar that will examine the scientific underpinnings of North Atlantic right whale conservation; identify how this challenge might impact offshore wind development; and describe the details and impact of recently agreed-upon conservation measures that present a solution.

RPS Webinar: Implications of FERC Order 1000

February 25, 2013

This month’s RPS webinar will focus on the important topic of FERC Order 1000 and its implications for state RPS managers and other state officials.

Updates from Oregon, Massachusetts and Connecticut on Solarize Programs

February 21, 2013

This webinar, hosted by the Clean Energy States Alliance, featured presentations by the Energy Trust of Oregon, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, and Connecticut’s Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority (CEFIA).

RPS Webinar: Solar Valuation in Utility Planning Studies

January 16, 2013

This RPS Collaborative webinar will feature Andrew Mills of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) discussing new research on solar valuation that he and his colleague, Ryan Wiser, have recently published.

2012 National Summit on RPS – December 3-4th in Washington, DC

December 3, 2012

2012 National Summit on RPS for the members of the State-Federal RPS Collaborative.