Webinar & Events - Policy

Implications of EPA’s CO2 Regulations for State Renewable Energy Programs and RPSs

June 26, 2014

This webinar will explore the EPA’s proposed rule to regulate carbon dioxide under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act, which potentially impacts states’ renewable energy programs and policies, including renewable portfolio standards (RPSs).

CESA Webinar: Food Waste to Energy

May 12, 2014

CESA will offer a webinar focused on programs and projects in Massachusetts and Oregon that convert food waste to energy.

RPS Collaborative Webinar: Altering the Load Shape to Accommodate More Solar and Wind

May 9, 2014

In this webinar, Jim Lazar, Senior Advisor to the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) will discuss 10 low-carbon strategies to address load shape.

RPS Collaborative Webinar: Renewable Thermal in RPS

March 10, 2014

The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) is hosting an upcoming webinar on renewable thermal in RPS for CESA’s State-Federal RPS Collaborative.

OWAP Webinar: Maine Offshore Wind Milestones

March 6, 2014

Please join us for an update on the milestones the University of Maine’s pilot-scale and demonstration offshore wind projects have achieved in the last few months and the University’s next steps as it works on securing power purchase agreements and awaits a funding decision from the U.S. Department of Energy for its demonstration project off of Monhegan Island. Guest speakers are Jeff Thaler and Habib Dagher from the University of Maine.

ESTAP Webinar: Connecticut and Massachusetts Discuss Upcoming Solicitations for Resilient Power and Microgrids

February 13, 2014

The Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP) will be holding a webinar on February 13, 2014.

OWAP Webinar: Offshore Wind – Lessons from Europe

December 19, 2013

Mike Hay (Xodus Group) and Cathryn Hooper (Source Low Carbon) provided an overview of Europe’s offshore wind industry developments and important lessons that the U.S. can take from UK experiences. In addition, the presenters discussed offshore wind siting issues.

Energy Storage Webinar: New Markets and Business Models

December 18, 2013

In this webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group for the Resilient Power Project, guest speakers Judith Judson from Customized Energy Solutions, Matthew Hamilton from Energy Surety Partners and Tom Leyden from Solar Grid Storage discussed new third-party battery storage business models that can reduce or eliminate first costs to renewable generators, while providing all the benefits of energy storage.

Results of the New York RPS Program Review

December 13, 2013

Doreen Harris and Carl Mas of NYSERDA discussed New York’s RPS program review’s methodology and findings.

OWAP Webinar: Why Offshore Wind in the Southeast?

December 11, 2013

The webinar will present a recap and highlights from the recent Southeastern Coastal Wind Conference in Charleston, SC.