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Webinar & Events - Policy
This webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project, introduces a new economic analysis which indicates that solar+storage systems could not only provide much needed reliable power for affordable housing projects, they are also economically viable. Panelists include report authors Seth Mullendore and Rob Sanders from Clean Energy Group and Henry Misas from Bright Power.
The federal investment tax credit (ITC) is currently scheduled to be reduced in 2017 to 10% of project costs for commercial solar systems. This reduction would have impacts for compliance with solar carve-outs in various state renewable portfolio standards.
This webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project, features Peter Larsen, Research Scientist in the Electricity Markets and Policy Group at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, for a discussion of his recently published study examining U.S. electric power system reliability.
An August 2015 IRS ruling may open up project opportunities for direct ownership of community-shared solar systems by multiple individuals. CESA is hosting this webinar with Foley Hoag attorneys Adam Wade and Nicola Lemay to discuss the recent IRS ruling and its implications.
Guest speaker Neil Veilleux from Meister Consultants Group discussed their recent paper, “Waking the Sleeping Giant” — an in-depth look at next generation policy instruments for renewable heating and cooling in commercial buildings.
This webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project, introduces Clean Energy Group’s new report on state resilient power policy, and includes a discussion on resilient power efforts going forward in Massachusetts and Oregon. Panelists include Todd Olinsky-Paul of Clean Energy Group, Gerry Bingham of Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, Diane Broad of the Oregon Department of Energy, and Liza Nolan of the New Jersey Energy Resilience Bank.
The webinar will describe and demonstrate AVERT, a free, open-access tool that allows non-expert users to quantify displaced emissions of CO2, SO2, and NOX, and avoided generation mitigated by state or multi-state programs. Stakeholders and regulators can also use the tool to identify likely units and regions impacted by different efficiency or renewable energy programs.
The webinar will provide updates on the RPS programs and activities in Connecticut and Wisconsin. The focus will be on program elements and developments that may be of interest to other states.
Clean Energy Group hosted a webinar discussion on the need for national and international collaboration on distributed energy storage. Clean Energy Group President Lew Milford and Program Associate Seth Mullendore were joined by guest speaker Katherine Hamilton from the Energy Storage Association (ESA).
This webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project, features guest speakers from Baltimore and NYC for a discussion on their efforts to implement resilient power projects. Panelists include Lew Milford and Rob Sanders from Clean Energy Group, Kristin Baja from the City of Baltimore, and Laurie Reilly and Erica Helson from Sustainable CUNY.