Webinar & Events - Low- and Moderate-Income Clean Energy

Exploring Peaker Power Plant Inequities with Clean Energy Group’s New Mapping Tool

June 23, 2022

This webinar will introduce CEG’s Peaker Plant Mapping Tool and provide an overview of how it can be used to explore the economic and racial disparities of peaker plants. Speakers from UPROSE, and the Berkshire Environmental Action Team will present.

An Introduction to the Solar Power in Your Community Guidebook

April 14, 2022

Panelists from NREL and DOE will present the updated Solar Power in Your Community Guidebook and discuss how it can be a resource for developing a supportive local environment for innovative, equitable, and community-led solar.

The Governance of Wholesale Power Markets

April 12, 2022

This webinar will discuss how wholesale markets are governed, how governance affects decisions about market design and operations, how states and others can engage, and what features of governance should be changed.

MFAH Collaborative Webinar: Solar and Storage in Multifamily Affordable Housing

December 9, 2021

Multifamily housing providers are uniquely positioned to benefit from the combination of solar and storage systems to deliver economic and resilience benefits.

Energy Storage for Social Equity (ES4SE): An Introduction to the DOE-OE Initiative

November 1, 2021

The Energy Storage for Social Equity Initiative is designed to empower urban, rural, and tribal disadvantaged communities to consider energy storage technologies and applications as a viable path towards community prosperity, well-being, and resilience.

Making Justice40 a Reality

October 29, 2021

“Making Justice40 a Reality” assesses state approaches toward climate and clean energy investments in frontline communities. It identifies key lessons for the federal government’s Justice40 Initiative.

How SMART-E Loans Can Make Residential Energy Upgrades More Accessible

September 14, 2021

SMART-E is an unsecured, low-interest personal loan product for residential energy upgrades that has been successfully run in Connecticut and Michigan since 2009.

Justice in 100% Clean Energy Policies: A Scorecard for Equity and Lessons from Washington State

July 28, 2021

Subin DeVar from the Initiative for Energy Justice will present the “Justice in 100: Scorecard,” a rubric for evaluating 100% clean energy laws. To illustrate what energy equity policymaking looks like in practice, Mariel Thuraisingham from Front and Centered will discuss the social justice dimensions of implementing Washington State’s Clean Energy Transformation Act.

Evaluating the Financial Performance of Connecticut’s Low- and Moderate-Income Solar Lease Program

May 26, 2021

In 2015, Connecticut Green Bank, in partnership with the solar and energy efficiency company PosiGen, launched a solar leasing program that targets low- and moderate-income homeowners. Berkeley Lab’s study shows that the program has successfully reached underserved customers and has reasonable repayment rates given the credit characteristics of the participants.

How Low- and Moderate-Income Solar Programs are Evaluated: Trends and Best Practices

May 20, 2021

There are now over 40 programs in the US that promote solar adoption by low- and moderate-income households. New research from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory takes a look at how they are being evaluated, highlighting trends among evaluation methods, metrics tracked, and best practices employed.