Webinar & Events - Low- and Moderate-Income Clean Energy

Building the Foundation for Energy Resilient Communities: Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Funding Programs’ 2022 Impact

November 14, 2023

Panelists will discuss CEG’s Technical Assistance Fund (TAF) and the Resilient Power Leadership Initiative (RPLI), and the findings of CEG’s annual impact report. CEG staff will be joined by TAF engineering partners and a 2022 RPLI awardee.

Solar with Justice: A National Workshop on the Role of States, Community Organizations, and the Federal Government

October 11, 2023

The Solar with Justice 2023 National Workshop will foster connections between state agencies and community organizations as well as provide opportunities for both groups to share opportunities and barriers to solar development in under-resourced communities.

Predevelopment Funding for LMI Solar and Storage Projects: A Case Study from New York

September 19, 2023

NYSERDA’s Affordable Solar and Storage Predevelopment and Technical Assistance program in New York State is successfully addressing the predevelopment challenge for solar and storage projects for low- and moderate-income residents.

Energize Your Impact: How Funders & Donors Can Support Equitable Solar Power

September 6, 2023

This webinar will showcase innovative approaches funders are taking to bring equitable solar to low- and moderate-income households.

An Equitable Solar Access Pilot Project in Minnesota benefitting Manufactured (Mobile) Home Residents

August 31, 2023

A new solar array in Minnesota will benefit local income-eligible households, including manufactured (mobile) homes residents, who heat with electric heat. Panelists will provide an in-depth overview and current status of the project.

Community Solar + Resilience Hub in Duluth, Minnesota

July 27, 2023

Ecolibrium3 Founder and CEO Jodi Slick will provide an overview of a community solar array and Resilience Hub in Duluth, Minnesota. This project provides a useful model for community-based organizations and state energy agencies interested in developing their own equity-focused energy and resilience projects.

Resilient Power for Florida Community Health Centers

July 13, 2023

This webinar featured speakers from Clean Energy Group, Florida Association of Community Health Centers, Direct Relief, and American Microgrid Solutions for a discussion on backup power needs and opportunities at Florida’s Community Health Centers.

Partnering to Reduce Energy Burden: A Michigan Community Solar and Weatherization Pilot

July 12, 2023

In an effort to reduce the energy burden on low-income Michiganders, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy collaborated with local community action agencies and utilities to develop three separate community solar pilot programs. Webinar panelists will discuss how the program partners developed each pilot, what they learned, and what advice they would give to those developing future programs.

Investing in Relationships: Six Community Engagement Models from Energy Trust of Oregon

June 8, 2023

Speakers from the Energy Trust will discuss their community engagement programs and expand on lessons learned and best practices.

Electric Vehicles and Equity

June 6, 2023

Can electric vehicles play a role in advancing equity in underserved and historically marginalized communities? Panelists will discuss potential pathways for electric vehicle deployment to lower harmful emissions, reduce transportation expenses, and increase energy resilience in historically marginalized communities.