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Webinar & Events - Finance
This CESA webinar featured panelists from the Connecticut Green Bank who discussed the Green Bank’s Residential Solar Investment Program, its impacts and results.
On this webinar, presenters from the US Department of Energy, ICF, and the National Regulatory Research Institute will discuss three recent reports.
Guest speakers from NREL discussed their forthcoming report, which reviews existing and emerging LMI community solar programs, discusses key questions related to program design, outlines how states can leverage incentives and finance structures to lower the cost of LMI community solar, and examines marketing and outreach considerations.
This webinar highlighted two programs from CESA’s 2018 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards: Connecticut’s “Solar for All” Partnership, and Minnesota’s MPRB Solar Demonstration Project.
Through the U.S. DOE’s Grid Modernization Lab Consortium, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed electricity affordability metrics at the state and county levels for the United States. This webinar introduced a simple spreadsheet interface to map these electricity affordability metrics.
This workshop helped state officials identify and implement solar consumer protection strategies.
California’s Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) is the country’s premiere energy storage rebate program. This webinar featured a presentation by Andrea Woodall, an SGIP project manager, on the program’s design, progress, results and lessons learned to date.
A new study by Berkeley Lab finds that the market value of offshore wind varies significantly along the U.S. East Coast, depending on the time-varying wind resource profile at a given site, as well as local pricing and market rules within the regional power market.
In this webinar, Clean Energy Group’s Rob Sanders was joined by guest speakers from National Housing Trust and Urban Ingenuity to discuss ownership and finance models ranging from immediate direct ownership to third party ownership flips to C-PACE financing strategies.
Summarizing one year of operations, this webinar shows how the Sterling Municipal Light Department’s energy storage project saved nearly $400,000 for the town’s ratepayers. The webinar also provides information on a second energy storage project being undertaken by Sterling in conjunction with a community solar installation.