Webinar & Events - Energy Storage

The Energy Storage Supply Chain – Delays and Cost Increases: What’s Happening in the Industry, and What to Expect Next

July 14, 2022

This webinar will feature speakers who will address the impacts of these global events on their energy storage projects now in development. We will also get an overview of the global energy storage industry, and a look at trends that may help us understand what to expect in the coming months and years.

Exploring Peaker Power Plant Inequities with Clean Energy Group’s New Mapping Tool

June 23, 2022

This webinar will introduce CEG’s Peaker Plant Mapping Tool and provide an overview of how it can be used to explore the economic and racial disparities of peaker plants. Speakers from UPROSE, and the Berkshire Environmental Action Team will present.

Building Community Resilience with Green Mountain Power

May 18, 2022

GMP has partnered with four Vermont towns to install custom energy storage projects that pair clean power generation with utility-scale batteries to provide community resilience in the face of increasing storm-related grid outages.

Mobile Solar+Storage for Emergency Management

May 10, 2022

This webinar will provide an overview of how mobile solar+storage units are built and operated. Emergency response officials will speak to their experience deploying these systems in the field.

Community Solar + Climate Resiliency: Rolling Up Our Sleeves

May 5, 2022

Leading edge community solar and battery storage doers and project planners discussed their accomplishments and insights into the most critical needs for optimizing, expanding and accelerating community solar benefits.

Resilience Hubs: Model Overview and Community Case Studies

May 5, 2022

Presenters will discuss the services, programs, communications and operational elements in addition to the building retrofits and resilient power systems – solar PV paired with battery storage – that have made their Resilience Hubs a trusted community node for resilience.

How CEG and CT Green Bank are Helping Connecticut Affordable Housing Facilities Install Resilient Solar+Storage

March 29, 2022

In order to support resilient solar+storage installations in multifamily affordable housing facilities, CT Green Bank has partnered with Clean Energy Group to offer project-specific technical assistance grants for pre-development feasibility studies.

Use of Operating Agreements and Energy Storage to Reduce Photovoltaic Interconnection Costs

March 23, 2022

This webinar explores one integrated technical and process concept designed to manage interconnection costs and streamline interconnection timelines to support near-term renewable energy deployment.

Putting Policy into Practice: How the CT Green Bank, Eversource & Avangrid will Partner on Connecticut’s Energy Storage Solutions Program

March 15, 2022

Connecticut recently announced its new statewide electric energy storage program. This webinar will explain how the program incentives work, who can participate, and where to get information and assistance.

Connecticut’s New Energy Storage Solutions Program: How it Provides Benefits to Ratepayers, Participants and the Grid

March 1, 2022

This webinar explored the emergence of Connecticut with its Framework for an Equitable Modern Grid and the creation of Energy Storage Solutions, the largest battery storage incentive program of its kind in the country. Panelists went into detail on the public policy underpinnings and the use of conventional cost-effectiveness tests to design a replicable and scalable incentive program with resilience and Justice 40 as the priorities.