Webinar & Events - Energy Storage

State Leadership in Clean Energy: SMUD’s Energy StorageShares and Smart Energy Optimizer Programs

August 20, 2020

This webinar will showcase two new energy storage programs being pioneered by Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD).

Valuing Resilience in Solar+Storage Microgrids: A New Critical Load Tiering Approach

August 11, 2020

Based on real world experience with the design and implementation of solar+storage microgrids, the nonprofit Clean Coalition has developed a standardized and straightforward methodology for valuing resilience.

Expanding Grid Capacity with Energy Storage in Decorah, Iowa

July 30, 2020

A new 2.5 MW battery storage project in Decorah, Iowa will boost the capacity of the local electric grid to allow for the addition of more rooftop solar in the community

Replacing New York City’s Dirty Peaker Power Plants with Renewables and Battery Storage

May 28, 2020

In this webinar, members of the PEAK Coalition detailed the finding of their new report, “Dirty Energy, Big Money,” which exposes the environmental and economic harms that peaker power plants are inflicting on communities in New York City, and introduced measures the organizations are taking to replace peakers with renewables and battery storage.

Replacing Diesel in an Alaskan Community: Cordova’s New Battery Energy Storage System

May 7, 2020

Join us for a webinar with the Cordova Electric Cooperative to learn about its recently installed energy storage system.

State of the U.S. Energy Storage Industry: 2019 Year in Review

February 6, 2020

Our annual lookback at the year in energy storage covered advances in the U.S. market, including deployment trends, policy and regulatory updates; the state of the art in energy storage technologies; and the market outlook for the coming years. Dan Finn-Foley from Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables shared his insights.

QuEST: Optimizing Energy Storage Tool

November 6, 2019

This ESTAP webinar will provide an introduction to QuEST, an open-source software application suite for energy storage valuation. QuEST was developed by Sandia National Laboratories as a free, public tool to assist in energy storage valuation for various use cases.

FERC 841 Compliance Update

October 1, 2019

In this webinar, guest speakers from the Energy Storage Association and Wood Mackenzie Power and Renewables discussed FERC 841 compliance progress among the nation’s ISOs and RTOs.

Cimarron District Office: Supporting Firefighters in New Mexico with Solar+Storage

September 17, 2019

This Clean Energy Group webinar highlights a recently installed solar PV and battery storage system (solar+storage) at one of the Energy Conservation and Management Division (ECMD) of New Mexico’s most remote offices, the State Forestry Division Cimarron District Office.

New York’s Energy Storage Roadmap and Other Initiatives

August 21, 2019

In this webinar, guest speakers from NYSERDA discussed New York’s Energy Storage Roadmap to 1,500MW by 2025 and other energy storage policies and programs, including a new bridge incentive, soft cost reductions, and procurement targets.