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Webinar & Events - Renewable Portfolio Standards
In this webinar, Lon Huber, Senior Director at Strategen Consulting, discussed the Clean Peak Standard concept and how it might be implemented.
The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) is in the process of implementing a new solar incentive program designed to maintain robust growth in the number of solar installations while reducing costs for ratepayers. Learn more about this program in a webinar presentation featuring Kaitlin Kelly, RPS Program Coordinator at DOER.
In late-2016, both Illinois and Michigan strengthened and extended their RPSs. In this webinar, Brian Granahan of the Illinois Power Agency and Katie Trachsel of the Michigan Public Service Commission described their states’ new laws and explained how the states are preparing for implementation.
In 2016, both Oregon and Rhode Island strengthened and extended their RPSs. In this webinar, Rebecca Smith (Senior Policy Analyst at the Oregon Department of Energy) and Linda George (Senior Legal Counsel at the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission) described their states’ new RPS laws and explained how the states are preparing for implementation.
The premier RPS-related event of the year was held at the Dupont Circle Hotel in Washington, DC. Attending the Summit is the best way to learn about developments and trends related to state RPSs and to network with many of the people from across the country who are most engaged in implementing and analyzing state RPS programs.
Representatives from the California Energy Commission and the California Public Utilities Commission discussed how they are preparing for the 50 percent RPS target and the state of their plans.
In this webinar, hosted by CESA’s RPS Collaborative, guest speakers from LBNL and NREL discussed research and technical assistance opportunities to help state regulators and policymakers better plan for grid modernization, and how grid modernization could impact RPS goal setting and implementation.
This webinar highlighted two winning programs from CESA’s 2016 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards: New Hampshire’s Useful Thermal Energy Certificate (T-REC) Program, and Rhode Island’s System Reliability Procurement Solar Distributed Generation Pilot Project.
This webinar covered highlights from a recent RPS Collaborative Report on the relationship between EPA’s Clean Power Plan and state RPSs. Report author Ed Holt presented.
This webinar looked at the future of the electric grid and states’ approaches to grid modernization.