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Webinar & Events - Renewable Portfolio Standards
Competitive Auctions with Sponsored Resources (CASPR) is a modification to ISO New England’s Forward Capacity Auction. This webinar explained CASPR and its implications for renewables.
In this webinar, John Moore (NRDC’s Sustainable FERC Project) discussed some of the issues currently before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the regional markets it regulates, including the potential threats for state RPSs and related state energy policies.
States are playing an important role in modernizing the nation’s electricity grid. In this webinar, two presentations discussed the range of activity taking place at the state level.
Since 2014, the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) has been working on designing rules and regulations for including renewable thermal technologies in the Alternative Portfolio Standard (APS). This webinar featured a presentation on the draft regulations by Samantha Meserve, Renewable Thermal Program Coordinator at DOER.
This webinar examined the implications of recent and pending federal legal cases, including the nuclear zero emission credit cases in Illinois and New York, and the Allco cases in Connecticut.
The 2017 National Summit on RPS was held on Tuesday, November 7 and Wednesday, November 8 in Arlington, Virginia at the Westin Crystal City Hotel. The Summit was hosted by CESA, with generous financial support from the Energy Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy.
A recent article in Nature Energy examines various factors that influence whether the public supports a state RPS and other renewable energy policies. In this webinar, Leah Stokes, one of the article’s two authors, discussed her findings and their implications.
Lead author Galen Barbose presented the key findings of LBNL’s newly released report, “U.S. Renewables Portfolio Standards: 2017 Annual Status Report.”
Many state renewable portfolio standard (RPS) policies will reach their peak requirement over the next few years. In this webinar, guest speaker Ed Holt discusses what could happen to state RPSs when they max out, and what options the states have when, and if, they begin to plan for the end of RPS in their states.
In this webinar, guest speakers from NYSERDA explained the Clean Energy Standard and how it will be implemented.