Webinar & Events - Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership

ESTAP Webinar: Energy Storage Market Updates

September 30, 2015

This webinar, presented by CESA’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP), is the first in a quarterly series on energy storage market updates. Guest speakers Michael Berlinski, Jacqueline DeRosa and Raj Chintapalli of Customized Energy Solutions presented up-to-date information on the value of electric services markets, such as frequency response and demand response, that energy storage can economically participate in.

ESTAP Webinar: Oregon Department of Energy – Energy Storage Demonstration RFP Information Session

September 14, 2015

With support from US DOE Office of Electricity, Stationary Energy Storage Program, the Oregon Department of Energy will be issuing a request for proposals for electric energy storage demonstration projects. This webinar discussed the objectives of the demonstration, minimum qualifications for a proposal, what is required for a complete proposal, and how the proposals will be evaluated.

Webinar: Electricity Markets and the Economics of Energy Storage

August 27, 2015

This webinar, presented by CESA’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP), features a discussion on Clean Energy Group’s report “Energy Storage and Electricity Markets: The Value of Storage to the Power System and the Importance of Electricity Markets in Energy Storage Economics.” Panelists include Seth Mullendore, Project Manager at Clean Energy Group, and Jay Marhoefer, CEO and Founder at Intelligent Generation.

ESTAP Webinar: Upgrading Distribution Resilience – A DOE-OE Solicitation

April 7, 2015

This webinar, presented by CESA’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP), features a presentation on the US Department of Energy’s Resilient Electricity Delivery Infrastructure (REDI) Initiative. Guest speakers include Dr. Imre Gyuk and Dan Ton of the Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (DOE OE), and Ryan Watson of the National Energy Technology Laboratory.

ESTAP Webinar: DOE OE Energy Storage Safety Strategic Plan

January 14, 2015

This webinar, presented by the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA)’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP), features a discussion on the US Department of Energy Office of Electricity (DOE-OE)’s energy storage safety strategic plan. Panelists include Dr. Imre Gyuk of the US DOE-OE, Sean Hearne of Sandia National Labs, Kenneth Willette of the National Fire Protection Association, and Vincent Sprenkle of the Pacific Northwestern National Laboratory.

ESTAP Webinar: Flow Battery Basics, Part 2

October 29, 2014

This webinar, presented by CESA’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP), features Andrew Marshall from Primus Power and Tracy Montoya from Raytheon Ktech, who discussed their products and answered questions from viewers. The webinar also featured an introduction to flow battery technology by Dr. Imre Gyuk of U.S. DOE Office of Electricity, and a discussion of flow battery testing and technological readiness by Dan Borneo of Sandia National Laboratories.

ESTAP Webinar: A Solar Storage Microgrid for the Energy City of the Future

August 22, 2014

This webinar, presented by the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA)’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP), features a discussion on the innovative solar + energy storage microgrid project in Rutland, Vermont. Panelists include Dr. Imre Gyuk, U.S. DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability; Darren Springer, Vermont Public Service Department; and Mary Powell and Josh Castonguay from Green Mountain Power.

Flow Battery Basics, Part 1: What They Are, How They Work, Where They’re Used

June 19, 2014

CESA’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP) is hosting a two-part webinar series on flow batteries.

ESTAP Webinar: Commissioning Energy Storage

May 20, 2014

CESA’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Project (ESTAP) is hosting an upcoming webinar on the process of commissioning an energy storage system. Dan Borneo of Sandia National Laboratories and Matt Galland of Sunpower will be presenting.

ESTAP Webinar: Microgrid Technologies

April 4, 2014

Microgrid Technologies- A guide to CHP, Energy Storage, PV and Fuel Cells for Connecticut Municipalities and Other Interested Parties.