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Webinar & Events - 100% Clean Energy Collaborative
A new analysis by the Union of Concerned Scientists, in conjunction with COPAL (Minnesota), GreenRoots (Massachusetts), and the Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition seeks to better understand the feasibility and implications of states meeting 100 percent of their electricity needs with renewable energy by 2035.
This webinar will discuss how wholesale markets are governed, how governance affects decisions about market design and operations, how states and others can engage, and what features of governance should be changed.
This webinar explores one integrated technical and process concept designed to manage interconnection costs and streamline interconnection timelines to support near-term renewable energy deployment.
To understand how wind and solar will affect power markets, we first have to know how power markets work today. This introductory session is intended for people who have limited or no knowledge of wholesale electricity markets, regional transmission organizations, and locational marginal prices.
Local Solar for All’s Karl Rabago will discuss how advanced utility planning modeling shows that scaling local distributed energy resources can lead to a least-cost clean grid.
“Making Justice40 a Reality” assesses state approaches toward climate and clean energy investments in frontline communities. It identifies key lessons for the federal government’s Justice40 Initiative.
The Los Angeles 100% Renewable Energy Study is one of the most detailed, rigorous studies to analyze pathways for achieving a carbon-free energy future. Its findings are presented through a visually appealing website, including an interactive data viewer.
Subin DeVar from the Initiative for Energy Justice will present the “Justice in 100: Scorecard,” a rubric for evaluating 100% clean energy laws. To illustrate what energy equity policymaking looks like in practice, Mariel Thuraisingham from Front and Centered will discuss the social justice dimensions of implementing Washington State’s Clean Energy Transformation Act.
California and Rhode Island recently issued important planning studies that will help with 100% clean energy implementation.
“Net-Zero America: Potential Pathways, Infrastructure, and Impacts” analyzes five possible pathways for achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. It has been praised as the most thorough examination to date of deep decarbonization strategies.
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