Reducing Peak Demand: Lessons from State Energy Storage Programs
States are increasingly adopting clean energy plans and climate goals, meaning our electric grids are more frequently fueled by variable renewables like solar PV and wind energy. While renewables are inexpensive and clean, they are not dispatchable without energy storage – in other words, they may not generate power at the right times to meet…
Long Island Solar Farm – How Public/Private/Federal Partnerships Can Make Big Things Happen
In early 2012, the Long Island Solar Farm, located in Upton, NY on Long Island, was given the Renewable Energy World’s “Excellence in Renewable Energy – Reader’s Choice Award.”
New CESA Report – “Designing the Right RPS”
The renewable portfolio standard (RPS) has become the most important policy mechanism for advancing renewable energy in the United States.
Manhattan Institute Flunks Energy Policy 101
Last week, the Manhattan Institute issued a report that pretends to be a serious analysis of the impact of renewable energy on electricity prices.
The Growing Pains of Small Wind: Part II
2011 was a tough year for small wind incentive programs. Over the past 12 months, California, Oregon, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and Minnesota all experienced some kind of suspension or significant reduction of their incentives for wind turbines.
Funding Growth: State Clean Energy Funds Can Help Invent the Future
These are tough times for the dream of clean energy and green jobs.
The Growing Pains of Distributed Wind
The small and mid-scale wind industry is in a unique place in its development: it’s past the stage of an emerging market, but not-yet-fully fledged. And as many states have been discovering, this phase of the industry is full of growing pains.
States Take the Lead in Supporting Marine Energy Technology
On Monday, August 15th, representatives from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, UMass Dartmouth, Massachusetts senate and the New England Marine Renewable Energy Center, marked the completion of the state’s first in-ocean tidal turbine test.
Group Buying the New Thing in Residential Solar – and Beyond?
Last year, CESA gave Energy Trust of Oregon a 2010 State Leadership in Clean Energy (or SLICE) Award for its Solarize Portland program.
Fuel Cells for Supermarkets
Supermarkets are turning out to be an important early market for stationary fuel cells.
Clean energy jobs are growing much faster than the rest of the economy; state policies are at the center of that growth
Last week, our friends at the Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program released an important report assessing the size and growth of the clean economy, “Sizing the Clean Economy: A National and Regional Green Jobs Assessment.”
Browse by Project
- IRA & BIL Implementation
- 100% Clean Energy Collaborative
- Building Decarbonization and Clean Heating/Cooling
- Energy Storage Policy for States
- Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership
- Interstate Turbine Advisory Council
- Low- and Moderate-Income Clean Energy
- New England Solar Cost-Reduction Partnership
- Offshore Wind
- Renewable Portfolio Standards
- Scaling-Up Solar for Under-Resourced Communities
- Solar with Justice: Connecting States and Communities
- State Energy Strategies Project
- State Leadership in Clean Energy
- Sustainable Solar Education Project