Directory of Solar Energy Technical Assistance Available to Community-Based Organizations

Matt Ohloff | CESA

Community-based organizations (CBOs) pursuing solar energy projects may benefit from additional resources and information to help them achieve their desired clean energy and community-building outcomes. Fortunately, technical assistance is being offered to CBOs and other community-serving entities pursuing equitable clean energy development. Technical assistance opportunities are now available through federal agencies, states, and nonprofits.

Here, the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) has compiled currently available technical assistance opportunities for CBOs pursuing solar energy, though all of these opportunities offer clean energy technical assistance beyond solar. Each listing below identifies who is providing the technical assistance, the program location, who is eligible, and more.

This directory was developed as part of the Clean Energy States Alliance’s (CESA) Solar with Justice: Connecting States and Communities project. The Solar with Justice project aims to bring together state energy agencies (SEAs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) developing solar for environmental justice communities to create opportunities for dialogue and collaboration.

This directory is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Solar Energy Technologies Office Award Number DE-EE0009360. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government.

Using this Database

In the interactive table, users can click on the “view” button on the right side to see more detailed information about a program, including any applicable deadlines.

Suggest Additional Entries

If you know of additional programs that should be included in the directory or corrections to any of the entries, please email Matt Ohloff at [email protected].

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Date: March 18, 2024
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