CESA-EESI Briefing – State Clean Energy Innovation and State-Federal Partnerships
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) and the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) held a briefing about energy innovations at the state level. The briefing investigated the significant role states are playing by implementing novel policies and effective approaches that reduce the cost of generating clean energy. Many state governments view clean energy as a foundation of their environmental and economic development strategies and have taken leadership roles in demonstrating the business case for renewable energy initiatives. The briefing discussed the role and value of federal-state partnerships on innovative clean energy investments and provided state-specific examples.
Speakers for the forum include:
- Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT)
- Sarah Fisher-Goad, Executive Director, Alaska Energy Authority
- Andrew McAllister, Commissioner, California Energy Commission
- Bryan Garcia, President and CEO, Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority
- Andy Brydges, Senior Director, Renewable Energy Generation, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
- Anne Eisele, Chief of Staff, Maryland Energy Administration
- Lewis Milford, Founder, CESA; President, Clean Energy Group
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Resource Details:
Date: 05/22/2013
Type: Presentation, Video
Topics: Finance, Offshore Wind, Solar PV